Everything You Need To Know When Relocating Abroad Through Marriage

Everything You Need To Know When Relocating Abroad Through Marriage

Relocating abroad through marriage is an exciting adventure, but it can also be filled with complexities. Understanding the basic knowledge and ideas when relocating abroad through marriage is crucial for a smooth transition. Many couples imagine a fairy tale ending, but the reality of relocation can present hurdles—legal, cultural and emotional.

Let’s dive into everything you need to know about relocating abroad through marriage, so you can plan for success from day one.

When you’re relocating abroad through marriage, one of the first hurdles you’ll face is navigating the legal system. Each country has its own rules for foreign nationals relocating through marriage. You may need to provide certain documents such as marriage certificates, proof of relationship and even medical records in some cases.

Take for example the United States where the K-1 visa (commonly called the “fiancé visa”) is used. The process can take months and involves interviews, background checks and plenty of paperwork. This isn’t unique to the U.S.—many countries, including Canada, the UK and Australia, have their own marriage visa processes.

If you’re relocating abroad through marriage to Canada, you’ll need to apply for a spouse visa after marriage. This involves proving your relationship is genuine, submitting financial documents and even attending an interview.

Pro Tip: Before starting the relocation process, research your destination country’s specific visa requirements.

This will save you time and avoid any nasty surprises.

Documentation You’ll Need

Every successful relocation hinges on the right documentation. When relocating abroad through marriage, you’ll need to prepare several documents ahead of time.

Here are the basic documents you’ll likely need:

  • Valid Passport
  • Marriage Certificate
  • Proof of Genuine Relationship (photos, messages, call logs)
  • Proof of Financial Support
  • Police Clearance Certificate

If you miss even one of these, your application could face delays.

Imagine if you were moving from Nigeria to the UK. Without providing a detailed proof of relationship, including photos from different time periods, your application could be seen as fraudulent.

It’s always better to over-prepare and have more than less.

The Emotional Side of Relocating Abroad Through Marriage

Relocating abroad through marriage isn’t just about paperwork. There’s a significant emotional shift when you leave your home country, family and friends behind.

Moving to a foreign land can feel isolating, especially if you don’t speak the language, take for instance a couple from Brazil, relocating to Germany through marriage. The language barrier and cultural differences might create tension, despite their strong relationship.

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It’s important to openly communicate with your partner about the challenges you’ll face. Discuss homesickness, new cultural norms and how you’ll support each other emotionally.

Example: Susan who moved from Delta State, Nigeria to Canada, shared how difficult it was to adjust to the weather and the fast-paced lifestyle in her new country. She and her husband had to constantly check in with each other to ensure they were adjusting well. This open dialogue helped their relationship thrive despite the external challenges.

Adjusting to New Cultural Norms

Every country has its own cultural quirks. Relocating abroad through marriage means you’ll not only be learning about your spouse’s habits, but also their country’s traditions.

For instance, in Japan, family values are deeply rooted in respect and formality. If you’re relocating through marriage to Japan, it’s essential to understand the cultural expectations, especially when interacting with in-laws. This adjustment isn’t always smooth. Many expats feel overwhelmed when they realize that what’s “normal” in one country might be completely different in another.

Tip: Take some time to learn about your spouse’s culture before moving. Watch documentaries, read books and even join expat groups to prepare yourself for the shift.

This will make your transition much smoother.

Language Barriers and How to Overcome Them

One of the biggest hurdles when relocating abroad through marriage is often the language barrier. While love is a universal language, not being able to communicate with locals can create frustration.

Let’s say you’re relocating abroad through marriage to France where French is the primary language. Even though your partner speaks French fluently, not being able to communicate on your own can feel isolating.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Start learning the language before you move.
  • Download language learning apps like Duolingo or Babbel.
  • Enroll in language classes after you relocate to immerse yourself in the local tongue.

Knowing even basic phrases can drastically improve your relocation experience and help you feel more confident in your new country.

Financial Considerations

Relocating abroad through marriage comes with financial costs and it’s essential to plan ahead. Besides visa fees, you may also need to account for travel costs, shipping expenses and even initial living expenses.

Take for example couples moving to Australia. The Partner Visa for Australia can cost over AUD 7,000 in visa application fees alone. You’ll need to have your finances in order before making the move.

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Additionally, some countries require proof of financial stability before they approve your visa. For instance, if you’re relocating abroad through marriage to the U.S., your partner will need to demonstrate they can support you financially.

A pro tip is to create a joint savings plan with your partner. This will ensure that both of you are financially prepared for the move and any unexpected costs that may arise.

The Application Process Timeline

How long does it take to relocate abroad through marriage? This depends on the country, but it’s important to know that it won’t happen overnight. On average, marriage visa applications can take anywhere from six months to over a year to process.

For example, in the UK, the spouse visa process can take several months, especially if there are any missing documents.

You might be wondering: What can I do to speed up the process? Unfortunately, there’s no fast track for love. But what you can do is make sure all your paperwork is correct and submit everything on time. Delays often occur because couples miss out on providing necessary documents or fail to respond to follow-up requests from immigration.

Coping with Homesickness

Homesickness is a real part of relocating abroad through marriage. Even though you’re with your partner, it’s natural to miss your family, friends and the familiar surroundings of your home country.

Take Anna, who moved from Italy to the U.S. through marriage. Even though she loved her new life with her husband, she often found herself missing her mother’s cooking and the vibrant culture of her hometown.

To combat homesickness:

  • Schedule regular calls with family.
  • Stay connected to your roots by celebrating cultural holidays.
  • Create a support network of fellow expats.

Having a plan in place to manage homesickness will help you settle into your new country with more ease.

Sarah’s Journey from Nigeria to Canada

Sarah relocated from Nigeria to Canada through marriage. While she and her husband were excited about starting their life together, the process wasn’t without challenges.

The paperwork took longer than expected and the cold Canadian winters were a shock for Sarah, who was used to Nigeria’s tropical climate. But by keeping communication open and joining local Nigerian expat groups, Sarah adjusted to her new home. Now, she’s thriving in Canada and helps other couples navigate the process.

How to Stay Connected to Your Roots While Relocating Abroad Through Marriage

Relocating abroad doesn’t mean losing your cultural identity. In fact, many expats find that their connection to their home country becomes even stronger after moving abroad.

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Here are a few ways you can stay connected to your roots:

  • Join cultural groups or organizations in your new country.
  • Continue practicing cultural traditions and cooking familiar meals.
  • Make regular trips back home to visit family and friends.

The Role of Your Partner During Relocation

Relocating abroad through marriage requires teamwork. Your partner plays a crucial role in helping you adjust to life in a new country. Whether it’s explaining cultural nuances or helping with the immigration process, their support is key.

Example: Michael, an American, helped his wife adjust to life in the U.S. by introducing her to his local community and showing her around town. His efforts made a huge difference in her transition.

Having a supportive partner who understands the emotional and logistical challenges of relocating abroad is one of the best assets you can have.

Preparing for the Unknown

Relocating abroad through marriage is an unpredictable journey. No matter how much you prepare, there will be surprises along the way.

The key to navigating these challenges is flexibility. Be open to change and don’t be afraid to lean on your partner for support.


1. How long does the process of relocating abroad through marriage take?

On average, it can take anywhere from six months to over a year, depending on the country’s visa process.

2. What documents are needed for relocation abroad through marriage?

You’ll typically need a valid passport, marriage certificate, proof of relationship, financial documents and police clearance certificates.

3. Is it necessary to know the language of the country I’m relocating to?

While not mandatory, learning the language of your new country can make the transition smoother and help you connect with locals.

4. What are the financial costs involved in relocating abroad through marriage?

Visa fees, travel expenses and initial living costs are common financial considerations. It’s important to save ahead and plan for these costs.